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Cost Savings Tips & Tools

The Compass Rose Health Plan is here to help members make informed decisions about their health care by providing access to cost saving tools and resources. Save on your health care costs with these tips.

Know Before You Go

When you visit an in-network, provider, you typically receive more coverage and pay less out of pocket compared to visiting a provider who is not in our network. Standard and High Option members can find a provider in their area online using our provider directory. Compass Rose Medicare Advantage members can visit to locate a participating provider.

Research Your Benefits

Depending on the type of care you need, you may need prior authorization. Your doctor or facility typically submits approval requests on your behalf, but you should always ask to make sure they’ve contacted us and provided the information we need. 

Use UMR’s Health Cost Estimator

UMR’s Health Cost Estimator lets you see what you can expect to pay before you go to the doctor or receive a service. You can use these estimates to make more informed choices about your out-of-pocket expenses. The estimator is available to Standard and High Option plan members. Sign in to your myCompass account and click the button to go to UMR. Plus, High Option plan members can earn reward points for using the tool.

Utilize Your Prescription Drug Benefits

Don't be surprised by the cost of your prescription at the pharmacy. High and Standard Option members can use Optum Rx's drug pricing tool to check if a drug is covered under your plan and what you should expect to pay at the pharmacy. To use this tool, visit Optum Rx

Choosing generic medications is another way you can save. Generics have the same active ingredients as the brand-name drugs, but are available at a lower copay. Get to know your benefits and compare costs.

High and Standard Option members can also sign up for Optum Home Delivery to receive a three-month (90-day) supply of maintenance medications (medications prescribed to treat ongoing conditions) for the cost of a two-month supply. Members can also receive a 90 day supply for the price of two months from CVS or Walgreens. 

Take Advantage of Free Health & Wellness Programs

Depending on the plan you’re enrolled in, you have access to many benefits and programs as part of your coverage at no additional cost. From $0 telehealth visits and virtual physical care to nurse support and wellness rewards, learn more about our health and wellness programs and see what’s included under your plan.

Participate in Wellness Rewards

High Option Compass Rose Health Plan members and their covered spouse can each earn up to $350 per calendar year by completing qualifying activities and screenings through our Wellness Rewards Program. To start earning reward points, you must opt in through your myCompass account. 

Compass Rose Medicare Advantage members also have access to a personalized wellness rewards program. Visit to learn more.

Maximize Your Dual Coverage

Retirees enrolled in both the High Option Compass Rose Health Plan and Medicare Part A and Part B can receive $125 per month for their Medicare Part B premium by enrolling in Compass Rose Medicare Advantage, a UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan. You’ll get access to benefits you won’t find anywhere else.

Sign in to myCompass

Start utilizing your benefits by signing in to your myCompass account.