Notice of Health Plan Accreditation Survey

Member Rights & Responsibilities

As a member of the Compass Rose Health Plan, you have the right to:

  • Know the names and qualifications of healthcare professionals involved in your medical treatment.
  • Know what services are covered including non-covered services, limitations and exclusions.
  • Obtain information about applicable fees and payment policies.
  • View current information, including malpractice insurance, about the healthcare professionals, hospitals and other providers that participate in the Plan.
  • Instruction on how to file a complaint or appeal with the Plan.
  • Privacy.
  • Be treated with consideration, dignity and respect at all times.
  • Confidentiality of protected health information (PHI).
  • Access emergency healthcare or after-hours services when and where the need arises.
  • Participate in decisions involving your health care, including the right to refuse to participate in research, if applicable.
  • Access the network for primary and specialty care, including behavioral health care.
  • Select and change providers.
  • Receive interpretive services, as necessary.
  • Receive information concerning your evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
  • Obtain information about advance directives.
  • Communicate with healthcare providers in confidence and to have the confidentiality of your individually identifiable healthcare information protected.

As a member of the Compass Rose Health Plan, you are responsible for:

  • Providing an accurate health history including information about over-the-counter and prescription medications, dietary supplements and allergies or sensitivities.
  • Following the treatment and care prescribed by your healthcare providers.
  • Informing providers about living wills, medical power of attorney or other directives affecting care.
  • Accepting personal fiscal responsibility for costs not covered by insurance, if applicable, and adhering to all applicable fees and payment policies.
  • Treating healthcare providers, staff and others with respect.
  • Informing healthcare providers about other medical insurance coverage that you or your family members may have.

As of: September 27, 2023